20 October 2021
RME’s enduring commitment to safety
RME’s resolve to safety through risk elimination was reconfirmed this week at our 2021 RME Safety Awareness Day.
RME’s enduring commitment to safety through risk elimination was reconfirmed this week at the 2021 RME Safety Awareness Day. Each RME employee’s personal commitment to safety is the key focus of the annual Safety Awareness Day event, held at RME's Toowoomba headquarters and six global regional service centres.
RME’s resolve and commitment is to continuously seek ways to make relining safer. The two-fold Company Purpose also reflects this renewed commitment and states; ‘Visibly, defensibly and sustainably improving our Customers’ concentrator performance’, and ‘we enable our Customers to eliminate fatal risks from relining through innovative solutions’.
RME is dedicated to the development of products and processes that optimise relining safety and performance, and in particular, removing reliners from inside the mill and from the line of fire. Examples of this safety innovation being implemented for RME Customers are RME INSIDEOUT Technology, THUNDERBOLT SKYWAY, RME AutoMotion and the successfully trialled ‘RME Claw’ liner removal tool. With continuous innovation and improvement, RME is exploring a healthy pipeline of new ideas which will continue to be developed until the goal of fatality free relining is realised.
This year, some 497 RME employees globally, took time to stop work and confirm the importance of safety at each RME Safety Awareness Day event. Specifically identified at this year’s event were the fatal or critical risk categories that can exist in almost every reline environment:
- Struck by falling object
- Confined spaces (suffocation)
- Contact with electricity
- Entanglement and crushing
- Person falling from heights
- Dust borne respiratory disease
- Struck by vehicle/equipment
- Uncontrolled release of energy (striking/injection)
Similarly, numerous risks and hazards exist in day to day operational activities in an office environment, on the assembly floor and in the manufacturing environment.
RME’s focus is to serve its Customers by providing the world’s safest, fastest and most reliable mill relining equipment, so that they can focus on getting those mills turning after short shutdowns.